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Our Guide To Burning Smudges and Palo Santo


Burning a smudge stick is a very straight forward process. First of all you need to light the end of the smudge, it doesn't matter which end.  Let the flame burn for a bit (maybe 20 seconds) and then blow it out.  Smoke should be rising freely.  

If the smudge isn't smoking properly or it goes out it is probably because the smudge is tied too tight and air isn't being allowed in to the bundle.  It that's the case simply pull the smudge apart a little to let the air get in and allow the material to light.  

You may need to blow on the smudge sometimes to keep it going, and you may need to relight it occasionally.  You can knock the ash off into a suitable container such as a Scallop or Abalone shell.  When you have finished using it or if you are taking a break you can rest the smudge in the Scallop or Abalone shell.

Smudges don't need to stay bundled together, and as you burn them down the string will burn and they inevitably won't stay together.  At this stage you can remove sections of the bundle and use each piece individually. 

If you just have leaves left and you can no longer hold them, you can burn them like incense in a Scallop shell, Abalone shell or any other suitable container.  Put the leaves in the container and use a long match or lighter to get them going.  They can then smoulder away in the container, and you haven't wasted anything.

Never leave a burning smudge unattended and always make sure the smudge is fully out when you are finished.

Palo Santo

The method of burning Palo Santo is very similar to smudges.  Light it and allow it to flame for maybe 20 to 30 seconds.  Then blow the flame out and let the stick smoulder.  You will need to blow on the smouldering stick from time to time to keep the embers going and keep it smoking.

However, also like smudges it is important to remember that Palo Santo is a natural material.  Some sticks are denser than other and some have more resin in them.  All this will effect the amount of smoke they produce and how quickly they light.

You can stub the stick out in a Scallop or Abalone shell or other suitable container when finished.




We recommend that you burn smudges outdoors or in a well ventilated area and that you don't burn smudges around anyone with asthma or respiratory problems.




Safety Disclaimer:  The Smudge Stick Shop is not responsible for any damage to any persons or property as a result of purchasing any of The Smudge Stick Shop products or using any of The Smudge Stick Shop products or following the directions of use of any of The Smudge Stick Shop products or website content.  Use at your own risk, be cautious of your surroundings and do not leave anything burning unsupervised, out of sight or in a windy/breezy area.


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